- Ecologist/Biodiversity Specialist/Conservation Biologist with
strong analytical and quantitative skills, extensive research experience
both theoretical and field-oriented
- Project Development and Management: Strong analytical and strategic
thinking skills, and extensive experience developing, managing and evaluating
complex natural resource management interventions, and writing proposals
- Strategic Planning: Strong policy analysis/planning skills
in the arena of natural resource management and biodiversity conservation
- Organizational Ability and Task Orientation: Good people management
and communication skills and an ability to take initiative, co-ordinate
teamwork and deliver work programs under pressure
- Teaching and facilitating: Good teaching and training skills,
networking and facilitating skills, and good at organizing teams/task
forces/campaigns. Belbin team work roles: Monitor evaluator, shaper,
specialist - "Task Master"
- Computer skills: Strong computer skills including programming,
analytical tools, web design and list management (networking), and usual
office software and hardware (Windows, MacOS, Unix)
- Field experience: Belize, Mexico, Nepal, Papua New Guinea,
Norway, USA; Shorter visits: Venezuela, Ecuador, Kenya, Uganda, Sri
Lanka, etc. Facility with languages
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